Business Training

Whether you are new to business or have been around for a while there is ALWAYS something new to learn. Service NSW offers regular FREE online and face-to-face short courses (approx. 2 hours in length usually) that cover a range of business essentials such as marketing, business planning, finance, customer service and more.

TAFE NSW also offers a huge range of FEE FREE courses and Subsidised courses for eligible students wanting to train, retrain or upskill. Study area’s include business & Marketing, Construction, agriculture, food & Hospitality to name a few.

Finally, you can also check out Skill Finder which has over 3,000 practical short courses varying in costs.

Hawkesbury City Council also run various training workshops and seminars for Hawkesbury based businesses through the year so make sure you check back here regularly under ‘upcoming training’ to see what is coming up or browse our past sessions under ‘Business Resources’ below.”

Upcoming Trainings

Business Resources

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