Construction Certificates

Before you are able to begin any construction or works, both a Development Consent and Construction Certificate are required.

The Construction Certificate (CC) is an approval that is primarily concerned with establishing technical compliance with various matters and follows after development consent has been granted and before works can commence.

What is a Construction Certificate for?

A Construction Certificate:

  • Certifies that the construction plans and specifications are consistent with the development consent and satisfy the National Construction Code (Building Code of Australia)
  • Certifies that the design satisfies all applicable standards (e.g. Australian Standards)
  • Confirms that all relevant development consent conditions have been satisfied
  • Addresses structural considerations associated with the building work
  • For commercial and industrial projects, and certain residential and tourist accommodation buildings (e.g. buildings identified under the Building Code of Australia as Class 2-9 or tourist accommodation Class 1b), a fire safety schedule will need to be provided identifying any existing and proposed fire safety measures and the standards to which they must conform (not applicable to single dwelling houses (Class 1a) and dwelling ancillary development (Class 10 buildings))
When do I apply for a Construction Certificate?

A Construction Certificate must be obtained before you commence any building or construction works.  The application may be lodged:

  • At the same time that you apply for Development Consent; or
  • Following the granting of Development Consent.

Please be aware that in the event you apply for a CC at the same time as you lodge a Development Application (DA) the CC cannot be assessed until the DA has been determined.

Who can issue a Construction Certificate?

A Construction Certificate can be issued either by Council or a Registered Certifier (private certifier).  If issued by a Registered Certifier, a copy of the certificate, associated plans and specifications must be forwarded to Council within two days after the date of determination.

How do I find a Registered Certifier?

Fair Trading NSW is the body that registers and licenses certifiers depending on a certifier’s technical expertise, qualifications and experience.  Council’s Certifiers are available to certify any and all types of building works.

You are advised to check the level of accreditation of a certifier prior to engaging them to confirm that they have suitable qualifications to enable them to issue the certificate that you require.

You can find the register of certifiers here.

What do I need to provide with a Construction Certificate application?

Council has prepared a Construction Certificate checklist which can be found on the DA Checklist and Glossary page.

Generally a Construction Certificate application is to include:

  • Detailed building plans, engineering details and specifications (in the case of a building Construction Certificate);
  • Detailed engineering plans (in the case of a subdivision Construction Certificate and where applicable, also a building Construction Certificate);
  • A Specification of the works and any other relevant documents; and
  • Payment of the appropriate application fees
What is the fee to lodge a Construction Certificate?

To obtain a fee quote please contact Council’s Customer Service Centre on (02) 4560 4444 or email providing the details of your development, estimated cost of works  and appointment of Principal Certifying Authority

Before lodging, ensure you have completed the appropriate CC checklist, and provided the required plans and documents.

Once you have all your documents ready you can lodge your application with Council through:

  • NSW Planning Portal – This is an online portal facilitated by the NSW Government where you can submit your DA to Council online. You will first need to create an account on the Portal as an applicant. For information on how to register for, and use the planning portal, see the NSW Planning Portal Quick Reference Guides.

NSW Planning Portal Note

To register for a NSW Planning Portal account, go to the NSW Planning Portal Home Page and select My Account. See the Quick Reference Guides for step by step instructions on the registration process.

Once you have an account you will be able to lodge the construction certificate though the portal:

  • The quick reference guide will provide instruction on creating a new development application and will require you to upload your application documents. You will need to upload your application form and CC checklist in addition to the plans and documents prepared for your application.
  • Council will then review the submitted application for completeness.
  • You will then be contacted via the portal and notified of one of the following:
  1. Your application is not yet complete and additional information is required.


  2. Council has accepted your application and fees can now be paid.

Once the fees have been paid, the application is then considered to be lodged with Council.

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