During Construction

Throughout the construction process there are obligations that are required to be met to ensure that the development occurs in accordance with the development consent, the Building Code of Australia, and to ensure that your development does not impact the natural environment through erosion and sediment run off.

Please click here to view inspection days.

Compliance with Development Consent

Make sure that you and your builder understand and carry out work according to the conditions on the development consent.

During construction you must comply with all the conditions of your development consent. Fines of up to $3,000 for an individual and $6,000 for a corporation can be issued if there is a failure to comply with a condition of consent.

Erosion and Sediment Control

Where there is any soil disturbance during the construction process, erosion and sediment control devices are required to be installed and maintained.

Construction disturbs soil and creates dust and debris. Run off from a building site travels down the gutters and drains to creeks and canals and eventually ends up in a river, lake or the sea.

Everyone on a work site is responsible for ensuring erosion and sediment control devices are maintained and effective. Poorly installed or failing erosion and sediment controls can mean a $4000 on the spot fine.

Preventing site erosion saves you money and protects the environment. Be sure that all contractors and employees understand their responsibility.

For more information regarding your responsibility to prevent waterway pollution please review the Guidelines for Erosion and Sediment Control on a Building Site.

Critical Stage Inspections during the Construction Process

During the construction process, there are mandatory inspections which must be carried out by the Principal Certifier.

If you have chosen Council as your Principal Certifying Authority it is the responsibility of the principal contractor to notify Council that an inspection is required to be carried out. The principal contractor is either the licenced builder or the owner/builder.

To book an inspection with Council contact our Customer Service Team on (02) 4560 4444. Please note that a minimum of 48hrs notice is required to be provided when requesting or booking an inspection.

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