Starting a business
- The Western Sydney Business Centre provides a business advisory service for new and existing businesses across the Region.
- Service NSW for Business provides free, personalised support and step-by-step guidance, and helps business owners access support, apply for grants and financial assistance, and navigate the requirements of government. Business Concierges work one-on-one with customers to connect them to services and trusted advice, to help them complete application forms and to understand changes to regulations, with the aim of opening, adapting, or growing their business
- Innovation Connections – Australian Government - Business - Innovation Connections is a service under the AusIndustry Entrepreneurs' Programme that provides you with advice and funding to get research projects underway in your business.
- Guide to starting a business - This guide will take you through each step of starting a business and help you understand what's ahead.
- Small Business Month - Subscribe to the Small Business Month newsletter and email updates for the latest news and information for small business in NSW.
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