If you keep honey bees (Apis mellifera) in New South Wales you must be registered with the NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI). This requirement is legislated under the Biosecurity Act 2015.
For further information and how to register please visit here.
From 1 July 2020, all NSW beekeepers will need to adhere to the Australian Honey Bee Industry Code of Practice.
The Code of Practice documents can be found here.
If you have found a swarm please click here to find your nearest beekeeper who can assist it its removal.
Selling Honey and Product labeling
If you are producing and selling honey, you are required to register as a Food Business with Council. The registration form can be found here:
Application for Food Premises Registration (57 KB)
If you are producing honey for sale, the product must be labelled satisfactorily. The Food Standards Code states that all food labels must contain the following information:
- Name and/or description of the food
- Identification of the 'lot' number
- Name and Australian street address of the supplier of food
- List of ingredients
- Date mark
- Nutrition information panel (NIP)
- Country of origin of the food
- Warning and advisory statements
For further information please go to:
Page ID: 174022