Banner Poles
In response to requests from not-for-profit community groups and organisations to erect banners in the Hawkesbury Local Government Area to promote their community activities or to convey information to residents, Council erected permanent banner poles at key locations.
The community banner pole sites are located at:
- Ham Common, Hawkesbury Valley Way, Clarendon
- Corner Bells Line of Road and Terrace Road, North Richmond
- Corner Pitt Town Road and Windsor Road, McGraths Hill
The community banner poles set consists of two poles (8m in height) between which a banner is supported. Up to three banners can be displayed on a community banner pole at anyone time.
The Community banner pole sites are available to use provided that the activity or information to be displayed on the banner refers to an event, activity or publicises information which delivers a demonstrable community benefit or outcome which aims to
- Raise funds for donation to a registered charity
- Raise funds in conjunction with a ‘community appeal’
- Generate income to be used to supplement funds ordinarily used to operate a not-for-profit funded or volunteer service or program
- Facilitate a free community event or activity which is open to all members of a community
- Raise awareness within the community about a matter of public health or safety, generally in conjunction with a regional, state or national public education campaign and which is co-ordinated by a reputable and/or accredited public institution or registered charity
- Advises the community of activities of a local sporting, leisure, hobby, cultural or other community based not-for-profit community group which has been established by members of the community to promote a collective interest within the community
Council may approve the display of a banner proposed by a corporate, commercial or for profit enterprise provided that the intent of the banner is to promote a free or cost recovery community event or activity, where the net proceeds of the event or activity are used for one of the purposes identified above in points 1 to 3. In the context of a commercial undertaking, a donation of $1,000 (derived from the net proceeds of the event) would be a reasonable minimum level of donation.
A copy of Council's Policy for Community Banner Poles is available in our Policy Register.
Size of Banner
Banner is not to exceed 4.5 metres in width, 1 metre drop and should have air holes.
Booking Period
- Bookings run from Tuesday to Monday and are for a maximum period of two (2) weeks.
- Banner poles can only be booked a maximum of six (6) months in advance and only one (1) site can be booked in advance.
- A second site can be booked three (3) weeks prior to the event to be advertised if space is available i.e. 1 week prior to commencement of the first booking. If you wish to book a second site please call Customer Service to check availability and the booking will be made over the phone.
Hire cost is subject to change each financial year – please check with our Customer Service section for the updated prices. The price covers a period of 2 weeks.
A cash deposit of $35 is also payable for the key to open the banner poles. This deposit is handed back when the key is returned.
Public Liability
Applicant’s are required to submit to Council a copy of their Public Liability Policy in an amount of $10,000,000 with Council’s interests noted on that policy.
Hanging of Banner
Two people are required to install/remove the banner to ensure jamming of the pulley system at the top of the banner poles does not occur.
Other Fees & Charges
Other fees and charges are applicable for hanging of banners, late removal of banners and late return of keys.
Banner Pole bookings can be made online via the link below. Please note, bookings must commence on Tuesday and end on Monday for period of two weeks.
Page ID: 158697