Outdoor Dining and A Frame Advertising Signs

A Frame Signage

Approval must be obtained from Council to place an A-Frame Advertising Sign on the footpath or in any other public place.

To ensure the safety of everyone who travels on the footpath in front of your property there are rules that state where and when you can place the A-frame on the footpath.

You will have to apply for an A-frame permit and an annual fee will be charged

Before you make application you should check that you meet the following criteria:

  • No sign may be displayed in a Residential Zoned area
  • Footpath width to be greater than 2900 millimetres (2.9 metres)
  • One sign per business
  • Sign to be placed directly out the front of the business
  • Sign to be placed kerbside

A Frame Signage Registration (pdf - 42KB)

Advertising on Public Land

The erection or placement of structures, devices or articles including cars, station wagons, panels vans, caravans,  trailers  and vehicle-mounted fixed or variable message signs displaying advertising material on public or  private land for the primary purpose of advertising or promotion,  constitutes development activity.

Changes were made in late 2017 to improve road safety and reduce driver distraction through the State Environmental Planning Policy No. 64 – Advertising and Signage (Amendment No 3) and updated Transport Corridor Outdoor Advertising and Signage Guidelines (November 2017). The changes included;

  • Banning advertisements on parked trailers on roads, road shoulders, footpaths and nature strips, excluding advertising associated with the primary use of the trailer, e.g. tradies trailer, and public authorities
  • Requiring consent for displaying signage on trailers parked on private land in view from roads, road shoulders, footpaths and nature strips
  • Allowing advertising in transport corridors permissible with consent from the Planning Minister or delegate, across NSW; and
  • Minor updates to clauses, terms and definitions.

The change to ban trailer advertising came into effect on 1 March 2018. All other changes came into effect on 29 November 2017.

The changes introduced $1,500 fines for individuals and $3,000 for businesses who advertise on trailers parked on roads, footpaths, nature strips and road shoulders or where trailer advertising is displayed on private land, without development consent. Local council will issue the fines.

The placing of any obstruction onto the footpath or nature strip area is an offence under the Roads Regulations 2008 and you may be liable for on the spot penalty exceeding $500.

The placing of advertising material on public land without Development Consent is also an offence and liable for a penalty of $3,000 under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

Outdoor Dining

If you want to use the footpath or other public place outside your food business to seat and serve food or drinks to your customers, you'll need to apply for approval. To make an application, complete and submit the relevant form below

Guidelines for Footpath Trading and Outdoor Dining (pdf 642KB)
Footpath and Outdoor Dining Application (pdf 539KB)
Footpath and Outdoor Dining Site Plan - (pdf 637KB)

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