Private Water Suppliers
Businesses that are NOT connected to a town water supply, including tourist accommodation and food premises, are considered to be Private Water Suppliers under The Public health Act and associated Regulations. Recent changes to the legislation mean that businesses are now required to ensure that there is a method of disinfection for the water supply, and to develop a Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) for potable water. The QAP is to be developed in accordance with NSW Health Private Water Supply Guidelines.
QAPs are to be submitted to Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District and evidence of the submission must be retained by the business. A copy should also be forwarded to council@hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au.
Water Carters
Water carters are considered to be Private Water Suppliers. All water carters working within the Hawkesbury area are required to be registered with Council by filling in the form below. Inspections may be conducted by Council's Environmental Health Officers. Water carters are to adhere to the requirements of the NSW Health Water Carter Guidelines (pdf - 862KB).
If further advice is required regarding Private Water Suppliers, please speak with Council's Environmental Health Officers on Ph. (02) 4560 4444, or the Public Health Branch of Nepean Blue Mountains LHD (NSW Health) on Ph (02) 4734 2022.
You can download a QAP template and get further information from the NSW Health website.
NSW Health Private Water Supply Guidelines (pdf, 874KB)
Private Supply Drinking Water - Registration (pdf, 28KB)
NSW Health Water Carter Guidelines (pdf, 862KB)
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