Liquid Trade waste
Hawkesbury City Council is a Water Supply Authority under the Water management Act 2000. Council’s sewage treatment plants manages sewerage services for the suburbs of Windsor, South Windsor, Bligh Park, Windsor Downs, McGraths Hill, Mulgrave and parts of Clarendon and Pitt Town. Council’s written approval is required prior to commence discharging liquid trade waste to its sewerage system, under s.68 of the Local Government Act 1993.
Liquid trade waste means all liquid waste other than sewage of a domestic nature.
The policy and guidelines describe liquid trade waste in more detail and the requirements for businesses who are approved to discharge liquid trade waste.
Are you an existing business which produces liquid trade waste but don’t have a permit?
We understand that applying for a liquid trade waste approval is unusual in Greater Sydney, so let council’s trade waste department know and we will work with you to adjust your business if needed and then grant your approval. Give us a call to discuss and fill in the form below.
Forms and Publications
Page ID: 211353