
15 July 2021

Council Meetings


Tuesday 27 Ordinary 6:30pm


Tuesday 10 Ordinary 6:30pm

Tuesday 31 Ordinary 6:30pm

Development Applications Recently Determined

The Development Consents, Complying Development Certificates, Section 4.55 Modifications and Section 8.2 Reviews recently determined.

Notice under Section 4.59 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979, the following Development Consents, Complying Development Certificates, Section 4.55 Modifications and Section 8.2 Reviews were determined by Council.

  • DA0057/21-38 Cattai Road, PITT TOWN-Dwelling House - Alterations and Additions-Approved
  • DA0093/21-78 Contour Way, NORTH RICHMOND-Dwelling House with Attached Secondary Dwelling-Approved
  • DA0101/21-741 George Street, SOUTH WINDSOR-Service Station - Signage-Approved
  • DA0106/21-19 Baileys Lane, KURRAJONG HILLS-Structure Ancillary to Dwelling - Retaining Wall-Approved
  • DA0119/20-99 Sargents Road, EBENEZER-Designated Development - Landscaping Material Supplies and Resource Recovery Facility-Refused
  • DA0128/21-40 Racecourse Road, CLARENDON-Recreation Facilities (Major) - Covered Seating Area-Approved
  • DA0157/20-28 Harkness Road, OAKVILLE-Demolition of Existing Structures and Remediation of Contaminated Land-Approved
  • S960010/21-36 Argyle Street, SOUTH WINDSOR-Modification of Development Consent No. DA0149/14 - Design Amendments
  • . Section 4.55 Amendment – Registered Club – Modifications to the consent for staged alterations and additions to the registered club-Approved

All plans and details may be viewed on Council’s DA Tracking via the Council

Website at

application-tracking or in person at Council’s Administration Building, 366 George Street, Windsor. Opening hours are 9am to 4pm Monday to Friday.

Expressions of Interest

Expressions of Interest sought for Community Representatiion on Council's Local Planning Panel

Hawkesbury City Council is seeking community representatives to become members of its Local Planning Panel (LLP) that comprises a Chair, three independent experts and one representative from the Hawkesbury community. The panel determines diverse and interesting applications for development in the Hawkesbury Local Government Area. Closing date for applications is Wednesday, 11 August 2021.

Expressions of Interest are sought from a mix of people who live locally to join a pool of community representatives. The successful community representatives will be placed on a roster and may be required to attend approximately four meetings a year.

This is a part-time, paid role commencing following appointment and remunerated in accordance with rates set by the NSW government.

You will be required to address the below selection criteria in your application.

Selection Criteria – Community Representative

Local community representatives may be selected on the basis that they:

  • are current residents within the Hawkesbury Local Government Area
  • have an understanding of the Hawkesbury Local Government Area and issues of concern to the local community
  • have the capacity to form independent views and to contribute constructively to the determination of applications
  • are able to demonstrate a basic level of understanding of the planning system, i.e. knowledge of the Council’s Local Environmental Plan, Development Control Plan, Local Strategic Planning Instrument or Community Strategic Plan
  • are committed to:
    • - following the Code of Conduct for Local Planning Panel Members and the Local Planning Panels Operational Procedures
    • - attending the Local Planning Panel meetings and contributing constructively to the determination of applications.

Council will receive applications in writing addressed to the General Manager, by mail to Hawkesbury City Council, PO Box 146 Windsor NSW 2756, or email to received up to close of business Wednesday, 11 August 2021.

Should you have any enquiries with respect to this matter, please contact Tracey Easterbrook, Council’s Administrative Support Coordinator on (02) 4560 4444 or attention email enquiries to with reference to EOI – Community Representative Local Planning Panel.

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