
Single Use Plastic Workshops

24 May 2022

plastic banThe NSW Government has committed to banning certain problematic single-use plastics in 2022 and from 1 June 2022 the supply of lightweight plastic bags will be banned in NSW.

Why is NSW doing this? On 16 November 2021, the NSW Government passed the Plastic Reduction and Circular Economy Act 2021. This legislation delivers on the government’s commitment to ban certain problematic plastics, such as single-use plastics and to address the problem of plastic waste.

Input from over 16,000 people helped develop this legislation and the related NSW Plastics Action Plan. Support for action on plastic waste was widespread with 98% supporting a phase out of single-use plastics.

To help inform our community, Council will hold Living Sustainably Workshops on single use plastic bans:

Join us on one of these online workshops as we look at some of the simplest, easiest and most effective ways to ditch single-use plastic. These workshops will also help you to plan for Plastic Free July and provide plenty of inspiration to join in this global movement.

The workshops will be run by the co-founder of the social enterprise consultancy, Good for the Hood, Jo Taranto. Jo is a Sydney based sustainability educator and speaker with experience in health sectors in environmental compliance and behaviour change.

single use plastic banJo has worked with over 200 organisations and has appeared in national media sharing her passion for good citizenship and sustainability. Jo passionately advocates that everyone has a role to play in making their community or organisation a positive force for good.

This project is a NSW Department of Planning and Environment, Waste Less, Recycle More initiative funded from the Waste Levy.

The NSW Government is working with businesses and organisations to ensure they understand their obligations. From 1 November 2022, the supply of single-use plastic straws, stirrers, cutlery, bowls and plates and expanded polystyrene (EPS) food service items, single-use plastic cotton buds and microbeads in rinse-off personal care products will also be banned in NSW.  Find out how the bans affect people with a disability or medical needs

The NSW Environment Protection Authority is the regulator and will monitor and enforce the bans. Find out more at the NSW single use plastic website

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