Matildas live site in Windsor – Go the Tillies!

15 August 2023

MatildasDon your green and gold to cheer on the Commbank Matildas as they continue their quest for the FIFA Women’s World Cup glory against England on Wednesday, 16 August 2023 from 6pm at McQuade Park, Windsor.

Hawkesbury City Council will set up a big screen for the Matildas live site and have green and gold face paint available. Bring a rug, a picnic, your friends and family, and all the green and gold you can find to cheer on Australia!

There will also be coffee, tea, donuts, churros, Dutch pancakes, and glow fairy floss available to purchase on the night. This is a family friendly event with no alcohol permitted.

Come along to watch the game with millions of FIFA World Cup fans around Australia, surrounded by fellow fans in Windsor!

Let’s go Tillies, ‘til it’s done!

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