Household Chemical CleanOut
Hawkesbury City Council’s free Chemical CleanOut for 2024 was held on Sunday 18 August 2024 from 9am to 3:30pm at Hawkesbury Showground.
Did you know that several Chemical CleanOut Events run across Greater Sydney where you can drop off your household chemicals for FREE?* To find out when the next event is, visit: www.cleanout.com.au. For more information, please call Council on (02) 4560 4444 and ask to speak to Council’s Sustainability Officer.
*check NSW EPA website link to ensure Event is open to all of Greater Sydney and to see eligible items and quantities.
This is your chance to look through your home and or shed for any old chemicals that you need to dispose of safely. You can make your family home safer by removing old gas bottles, unused chemicals and fuels. You will also be preventing fire hazards and protecting our local environment and waterways by responsibly disposing of your potentially hazardous household chemicals.
Hawkesbury residents have long demonstrated they care about the environment. Since 2014, more than 220,000kg of chemical waste has been dropped off by the Hawkesbury community. You can drop off:
- household cleaners and solvents
- handheld batteries, car batteries
- fluorescent globes and tubes
- paint
- pesticides, herbicides, poisons
- gas bottles
- smoke detectors, fire extinguishers
- pool chemicals. hobby chemicals
- acids and alkalis
- motor oils, fuels and fluids.
Only household quantities of chemicals are accepted (20L or 20kg), except paint. Up to 100L (in 20L containers) of paint is accepted. Further information is available at www.cleanout.com.au or call the NSW EPA on 131 555.
If you cannot attend the Hawkesbury Chemical Cleanout, remember most Chemical CleanOut events held across Sydney and NSW are open to everyone, you do not need to be a local resident. You can check this in relation to specific CleanOuts at www.cleanout.com.au or call the NSW EPA on 131 555.
Please note that businesses are not eligible to use these services and should contact a waste disposal service directly or visit http://businessrecycling.com.au
This is an NSW Environment Protection Authority Waste Less, Recycle More initiative funded by the waste levy. For more information on what can be disposed of, or quantities or safe transport tips, visit www.cleanout.com.au or call the Environment Line on 131 555.
Page ID: 235859