Rural Boundary Clearing Code
New Rural Boundary Clearing Code
The NSW Government has introduced new Rural Boundary Clearing Code, which allows rural landholders to clear vegetation on their property within 25 metres of the boundary to reduce the potential spread of bushfires without the need to seek approval.
The new code was introduced in response to updates to the Rural Fires Act in 2020, Section 100RA(5). Vegetation clearing under this code can only be undertaken on rural zoned land, however a number of Sydney council areas are excluded from the code.
While there are some limitations on the application of the clearing provisions (see section 6 of the code), the Rural Boundary Clearing Code does override a range of existing state legislation aimed to protect the environment.
An online assessment tool is available on the NSW RFS website to enable landholders to determine whether their property is mapped as a rural boundary clearing area and whether any exclusions apply, for example, Coastal SEPPs, core Koala habitat, Ramsar wetlands and Critically Endangered Ecological Communities.
A series of frequently asked questions has been published to provide additional information.
To find out more about the application of the Rural Boundary Clearing Code email Rural.Boundary@rfs.nsw.gov.au with your question and contact details.
Page ID: 233757