
30 January 2020

Council Meetings


  • 11 Tuesday 6.30pm Ordinary
  • 25 Tuesday 6.30pm Ordinary

Development Applications Recently Determined

The Development Consents, Complying Development Certificates, Section 4.55 Modifications and Section 8.2 Reviews recently determined. Notice under Section 4.59 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979, the following Development Consents, Complying Development Certificates, Section 4.55 Modifications and Section 8.2 Reviews were determined by Council.

  • DA0245/19-25 Cleary Drive, PITT TOWN Structure Ancillary to Dwelling - Swimming Pool, Cabana and Outbuilding-Approved
  • DA0361/19-37 Maddens Road, NORTH RICHMOND Structure Ancillary to Dwelling - Demolition of Outbuildings and Construction of Outbuilding-Approved
  • DA0371/19-82 Cedar Ridge Road, KURRAJONG Dwelling House - Demolition of Existing Dwelling and Construction of Dwelling House-Approved
  • DA0377/19-11 Francis Street, RICHMOND Dwelling House-Approved
  • DA0401/19-67 Reserve Road, FREEMANS REACH Dwelling House - Demolition of Dwelling and Construction of Dwelling House-Approved
  • DA0422/19-30 Cleary Drive, PITT TOWN Dwelling House-Approved
  • DA0452/19-143 Windsor Street, RICHMOND Restaurant or Cafe - Fit Out of Existing Building for Use as Restaurant-Approved
  • DA0466/19-74 Yobarnie Avenue, NORTH RICHMOND Dwelling House-Approved
  • DA0470/19-44 Flannery Avenue, NORTH RICHMOND Dwelling House-Approved
  • DA0475/19-3 Grazier Way, NORTH RICHMOND Structure Ancillary to Dwelling - Retaining Wall-Approved
  • DA0481/19-96 Arthur Phillip Drive, NORTH RICHMOND Dwelling House-Approved
  • DA0496/19-123 Yobarnie Avenue, NORTH RICHMOND Dwelling House-Approved
  • DA0502/19-3 Stubbs Street, PITT TOWN Structure Ancillary to Dwelling - Outbuilding-Approved
  • DA0542/19-215 George Street, WINDSOR Change of use personal training studio-Withdrawn
  • S960067/19-10 Cornwell Avenue, HOBARTVILLE Modification of Development Consent No.DA0280/18 - Design Amendments-Approved

The Development Consents, Complying Development Certificates, Section 4.55 Modifications and Section 8.2 Reviews are available for public inspections, without charge, at Council’s Administration Building, 366 George Street, Windsor. Office hours are 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday.

Page ID: 142807

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