
Ferry Closures


Lower Portland Ferry

The operating hours of Lower Portland ferry are 6 am to 10 pm daily, including one half hour closure from 10am to 10:30am and 6.30pm to 7pm.

The ferry will cease operating between the hours of 9 am to 11 am on the first Wednesday of every month for essential maintenance.

As a general rule the Lower Portland Ferry will be taken out of service when the river height reaches 3 metres (and rising) at Windsor, however this is subject to other variables such as tides, debris loads and inflows from the Colo River.

Council endeavours to keep the ferry operating for as long as possible without compromising safety of passengers or staff.

During significant rainfall and river events users should plan ahead and make alternative arrangements taking into account the potential for the ferry to be out of service.

Alternate road access exists and extra travel time should be factored into planned journeys.

Ferries at Sackville, Wisemans Ferry and Webbs Creek

These ferries are operated by Transport for NSW and are also affected by river conditions. They may also be taken out of service for safety and operational reasons.

For information about out of service ferries please check Live Traffic NSW hosted by Transport for NSW.

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